Thursday 20 May 2010

Getting on with it . . .

Making stuff for my exhibition in june. Ta for reading :)

Monday 17 May 2010

Scar mask 1

An early work looking good with accidental uplighting. Ta for reading :)

Friday 7 May 2010

Heather Sprite is complete

Had some lovely pictures taken of Heather Sprite by a very talented lady called Lucy Devereux. This is the one that I'm using for a poster for my exhibition at Penrhyn Castle in June. Thankyou for reading :))

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Heather sprite

At this moment i feel like a proud mother after a long labour. Definately worth it, i now have cramp in my hand, a sore nose, from inhaling more grout than i should, and there is still some work to do but it doesn't show in this photo. Ta for reading :)

Face pack!

It looks nearly finished but the polishing will take off some of the mosaic. Will have to go over it carefully replacing some pieces then re-grout where needed. Ta for reading :)


Putting on the purple grout